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The revitalised Mazda RX-8 sports car range will finally arrive in Australia this month, Mazda dealer in Sydney, EurocarsMazda, in Artarmon, taking delivery of the satisfaction model in mid July.

The new look RX-8 features a range of mechanical upgrades designed to enhance his iconic status as the world's only rotary-powered, four-door sports car.

Three new models of RX-8 - a luxury model, gt and conventional models. The gt is a new version of the RX-8 and the luxury and conventional versions will upgrade the existing RX-8.

"The team Eurocars Mazda is excited about the new RX-8, and the luxury model is ready to test drive our Artarmon showroom in the middle of July," said Eurocars Mazda Dealer Principal, Tim Garner.

"Anyone interested in a test drive can make a reservation online or call us on 8905 5555."

The Mazda RX-8 performance and handling were improved by specially tuned sports suspension, with light-weight 19-inch wheels and a wide range of changes to its unique RENESIS rotary engine, which which is still revving at 9,000 RPM. The original Mazda RX-8 has won more than 50 Automotive awards including 2003 International Engine of the Year and 2003 Car of the Year wheels in Australia.


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